About Us
Just Dry Basements, Foundation and Crawl Space repair,has Been serving the Philadelphia area and central / South Jersey for the better Part of a decade. Just Dry offers the highest quality of workmanship at fair and reasonable prices. Every Job we do has a foreman on site from start to finish with over 10 years of experience.
Every estimate is done by the owner himself and every job is finished with a walk through and explanation of the work by the foreman. Our belief in a clean and safe work environment along with our pride in doing what we say we are going to do when we say we are going to do it , has led to over 3/4 of our work coming from referrals and repeat business.
Something we're not too shy to tell everyone about. Just Dry offers Cleaner , Dryer and safer crawlspace and basement environments using old fashioned craftsmanship and modern innovations to ensure our customers get the best possible results the first time.

Our Services